IndiaAI is an open community initiative here to propelling the advancement and adoption of AI with special focus but not limited to Deep Learning and its derivatives.
Building great AI tools for tomorrow using today's technology requires entrepreneurs, developers, students, academicians, research scientists, investors, and just about anyone who is interested in Deep Learning to come together as a community to meet, share and hack. The IndiaAI initiative will serve to enable this purpose.
IndiaAI communitiess are currently active in the following locations:
We have a culture code. #LikeNoOther #AdvanceAI #AmazingCommunity
All chapters subscribe this culture code to maintain unreasonable standards of community ethics.
IndiaAI is leveraging the collective power of the tech community as a force for getting amazing things done using AI.
Have questions or suggestions? Feel free to get in touch or ask us on Twitter. We are on Slack! Get your invite here and join the discussion.